full transcript

From the Ted Talk by Gregory Berns: What emotions look like in a dog's brain

Unscramble the Blue Letters

How many of you are dog people? A show of hands. Excellent! How about cat people? OK, you guys can go to the break early. (Laughter) So, of the dog people and the cat people who want to be dog people, (Laughter) how many of you have thought, "Wouldn't it be gaert to know what my dog is thinking?" I think everyone else already knows what their dog is thinking, right? I got into this project, and I'm going to tell you a little bit about how - This is basically a stupid dog trick story. It really started with this dog named Newton, who was really my favorite dog. I've had many dogs through my life, but notewn was my favorite, and he lived to be about 15 years old. After he pasesd away, I thohugt, I have these tolos, this MRI machine, that I have been using for decades to study human decision making and what motivates people, why haven't we used this on other animals? Certainly, other animals have many of the same fieenlgs and motivations that people do. But this is kind of an area of science that people don't like to talk about. So I embarked on this project about four years ago to try to figure out what dogs think, and specifically what dogs think of us. If we're talking about humans, we have kind of two ways we can think about what other people are thinking: we can either ask them, and sometimes they will tell us if they know, and they want us to know what they are thinking; or we can observe actions, we can obvsere behaviors, we can try to inefr things about what people are thinking from their actions. With animals, and dogs, of course, we can't really ask them. We can ask them, and we may think that they tell us, but we really don't know what they're thinking. So we're kind of left with their behaviors: we can observe their actions, and we can try to infer what they are thinking. This is the fanootidun of behaviorism, and it's been around since Pavlov. But there are, of course, very tricky issues here, and humans being humans, we tend to amrohtphpzronioe everything. It's kind of in this area that I became very interested in intrigued with the possibility of trying to fgriue out what dogs are thinking by using MRI. The tueichqne is sraroigartwfthd. It's been around for decades. The idea is: if we were studying a human, we would put a human in an MRI, have them do some type of task, and we'd measure blood flow or brian activity and then try to figure out what ptras of the brain do what. Very straightforward, if you've had an MRI, it's not terribly pnaeaslt, but people will do it. How do we do this with other aimanls? How do we do it with a dog? I'm going to show you what we found. Here's a short video. It's a what we call our training video, and it demonstrates how we did this. Before I sartt it, you're going to see two dogs in this video. The first dog, Callie, is my dog. She was actually the replacement for Newton. She was adopted here in Atlanta from the Humane Society. We loved Newton so much; we could never get another pug, so Callie is the anti-pug. The other dog is mkecznie, a border collie. We just kind of get right into it. I'll narrate as we go along. [clliae - Introduction to head coil] This's Mark Spivak. He's my partner in this endeavor, he's a dog trainer. The first thing that we had to do is figure out how do we get dogs to go into a tube, to put a head coil around their head to pick up the brain waves, and hold absolutely still. What you are seeing here, is that Callie is not a particularly oebeidnt dog; she has no particularly special skills. But she does have one very good trait, and that is: she lieks hot dogs. Mark is doing what we call clicker training. Every time she approximates what we want her to do, he clicks, and then she gets a hot dog. This's the very first time she's been introduced to the thing we call the head coil, and we didn't know at this point whether this was even going to be possible. [McKenzie - ittduorcinon to head coil] This dog, McKenzie, a border clloie, is highly trained. She's very slkiled in ailtigy, and her owner, as you'll see, gets her to sit in this coil very qukilcy. (Video) Dog owner: Good girl! Yes! Is she too far out now? (Video) Gregory Berns: Yeah, basically, we are looking for the brain case to be in the center, right there. That's good. (On stage) GB: If you've had an MRI, you know that you're told not to move, right? This is the big challenge of doing this. [Mckenzie - Holding without any chin rest] Up until this point, I didn't know if this was going to be possible until I saw this. This was literally after about five minutes of training. When I saw that, I knew we could do this. [Callie - Training with chin rest] What you saw McKenzie doing was colse but not quite good enough. What we are going after if we're to achieve data that cpoemras to humans - (Video) GB: You are perfect! Excellent! Perfect job! (On stage) GB: Mark told me I had to be more demonstrative than I am normally. (Laughter) (Video) GB: Perfect! Yes! (Laughter) (On stage) GB: What you ntioce we did was we itedurocnd a little chin rest because we have to give the dogs a tgeart to put their head on. McKenzie aatpds this very quickly. She's actually in a simulator for an MRI that we built. She's doing quite well, but this is actually still too much movement. The really difficult part of this is the nsoie that the sencanr makes, playing in the background. These are recordings that we made to acclimate the dogs to the trnainig. It's very loud. This's being played at low vulmoe just to get her used to it. But it's really about 95 decibels, and it's like jackhammer loud. (Video) GB: That's it, that what we are doing! (On stage) GB: This is after about a month or two of training. [Callie - Scammer training] We're at the real MRI now. This's probably the most exnpviese training session ever performed. (Laughter) We get charged about 500 dollars an hour to use the MRI. (letugahr) But we had to use the real thing at a certain point. At this point, we didn't even know how they would react to the magnetic field. The key thing I want you to notice is these dogs are doing it wlginlily, and they enjoy it. That is the whole point of this project. We treat these animals as fimlay members. We don't sedate them, and we don't restrain them. [Callie - Final training] This's actually after about two mnthos of training. We made some modifications to the chin rest, and even a shelter dog like Callie can do this. [Full chin rest, ear muffs, tube, hand signals] If you look carefully, you also notice that she's wearing ear muffs. It's very important because the scanner is so loud, and the dogs hearing is quite sivntsiee. [This means "hot dog"] The other thing that we did - (Laughter) This's a sieitncfic experiment, really. (Laughter) [This maens "no hot dog"] That's the training video. The "hot dog, no hot dog" hand signals, we staterd with this because we didn't know if this was going to work, so we dcideed we needed to do something really simple. This's just straight up Pavlovian conditioning where we taught the dogs two hand signals: this means "hot dog," and this means "no hot dog." If this technique works, what we should see is activity in the reward system of their brain to this hand signal but not this signal. I also put up a slide here. Once we started doing this, the word got out amongst the community here in Atlanta that we're doing this cazry dog scnaning project. We're looking for volunteers, especially people who like to train dogs and have dogs that are very well behaved. That's still true. If you have a dog that can do this or you think can do this, talk to me. Because the prceojt is still going on, and it's gotten quite lgrae. You've seen the kind of preliminary vedio. This's one of my favorite photos because it's kind of captures - this is the first day we were actually doing the scanning. It captures the human confusion here. We were just standing around trying to figure out how we are going to do this. But Callie knows, she's been trained, she's been doing this for two months; so she's ready to go. The head wrap is just to keep the ear muffs in place. This is what it look likes from the other end, from the business end of the scanner. This's actually a dog naemd Zen. He's a yellow lab golden reevtierr. What we're studying initially is just the reward system response. Very simply, we got these two hand signals, and the idea is we compare the brain response to these two things. As I said, we have many dogs doing this now, it's not just shelter dogs. We have dogs from service dog organizations, we have shelter dogs - really all stros of bdrees. Before I show you some of the results, I do want to say something about brain anatomy. A dog brain - this slide is not to scale. A dog brain is probably about the size of a plum or a lomen maybe, depending on the size of the dog. It's not big, even if you have a big dog, most of the head is muscle, so just going to be aware of that. But I like putting up this slide because it swhos the similarities of animal brains. You can immediately make out common structures. You can see towards the right that kind of pretty structure is the cerebellum that controls various tepys of mootr movement, and then below that, there is the brainstem. The really the parts of the brain that are different are what we call the cortex. That's the upper part, the folded part. The big differences between dog and human have to do with the size of the cortex and how fdeold it is. What folding aiepchcolmss is pinkcag a lot more brain surface area into a specific volume. Generally speaking, the more folded a brain, the more surface area, the more brain power, if you will. There are lot of steaimliiris, and there are some difenerefcs. What I am particularly interested in are the similarities. Because if we were to have a camnmotoily of experience with dogs, and other animals for that matter, we have to share the same or similar brain structures. dawrin said this 150 years ago. What do the results look like? This's a very caocpmt way of srumainimzg an experiment which I showed you where the dogs reevcie two different hand signals, and we've averaged the results over, in this case, 12 dogs, I think though, we've done this probably in over 20 dogs. The orange areas show what parts of the brain are more active to this reward signal, this hot dog signal. What I want to emphasize is the brain response is not directly to hot dogs, it's to the hand sagnil that means hot dogs. You may think that's not a big deal; it's still hot dogs. It's no surprise that dogs like hot dogs. But it is a big deal because we train this signal; it's a symbolic representation of a hot dog that the dog has learned and has learned to recognize this meaning. The particular parts of the brain that are being active are the reward system. There's kind of two hot stpos. There's a hhaediglt type picture. That's in an area of the brain called the cortex nucleus. It's the area of the brain that all mamlams have, and it's the area that has the most dopamine receptors in the brain. It's kind of the key center that lknis reward and motivation with action. Normally, when that's active in a hmaun or any other animal, it means that something iortanpmt has happened, and the animal needs to do something. In this case it's quite splime because they will just eat the hot dogs. Well, so what? So we peorvd that dog brains like hot dogs. That was just the beginning. This started about four years ago, and we've since gone on and done many other experiments. Most of the dogs in these pictures, are still winrokg with us in the project. We've done things looking at how their olfaction, or their sensory system for smell wkros, how they identify different people, and other dogs in their household by slmel. One of the things that we found is that this reward system, the same part of the brain activates when the dogs smell a familiar human, even if the human is not there. It shows that dogs have rtatenspireneos of us of our identities that persist when we are not there. When people ask me, "Do dogs miss us when we are gone?" I have to say yes because we find evidence that they are rememebrnig their humans, that they care about them, and that it's associated with these raerwd rsneesops. Is it still just hot dogs? To aesnwr this question, one of the other things that we did was we actually repeated the expeeminrt I showed you, where we show the different hand signals. With one little twist: we manipulate who gives the sgnials. Does it matter if the dog's owner gives a signal? Or whether a stranger comes in and gives the signal? Or even whether a computer gives the signal? Because if you believe Pavlov, and all the behaviorist who followed him, it really shouldn't matter, because any signal that indicates an upcoming food taert is all the same, if animals and dogs are just kind of rootbs. But in fact, we did find a difference. What's very interesting about it is that not all dogs are the same. For example, my dog Callie had a much graeter response in that part of the brain when a stranger gave the signals or even a computer as ooesppd to me! (Laughter) Other dogs in the project, some of the golden retrievers in the labs can have had the opposite pattern, where their owners had really eetiicld the sgnoestrt brain rpsneose. This is very interesting because what it does is it provides us with a neural bmaeorikr of the dog's personality plrfoie. In fact, what we've done is we've spun off a new project which we're very excited about. We've pnteerard with Canine cnonmoapis for Independence, which is the largest service dog training oingtiazroan in the uinted States. If you know anything about service dogs, they're ienirdcbly difficult to train. It's very expensive, and there's a very low sueccss rate. Roughly about 35% of dogs that enter these programs to train to be assistance dogs will succeed; the other 2/3 end up being released and apedotd to their puppy raisers. So we've partnered with CCI, and they're actually training their dogs to do the MRI procedure. What we're going to do is try to predict which of those dogs will actually be good service dogs. I really love this project because it shows that even though we started this just as my silly example of trying to understand what my dogs think, and whether they love me, it's actually gotten much bigger. Dogs are special. They're the first domesticated animals. They have been with humans since humans have been humans. When we look at their bniars, it's almost like we are looking back in time, and it's giivng us a picture of how the dog-human bond formed. Thank you. (Applause)

Open Cloze

How many of you are dog people? A show of hands. Excellent! How about cat people? OK, you guys can go to the break early. (Laughter) So, of the dog people and the cat people who want to be dog people, (Laughter) how many of you have thought, "Wouldn't it be _____ to know what my dog is thinking?" I think everyone else already knows what their dog is thinking, right? I got into this project, and I'm going to tell you a little bit about how - This is basically a stupid dog trick story. It really started with this dog named Newton, who was really my favorite dog. I've had many dogs through my life, but ______ was my favorite, and he lived to be about 15 years old. After he ______ away, I _______, I have these _____, this MRI machine, that I have been using for decades to study human decision making and what motivates people, why haven't we used this on other animals? Certainly, other animals have many of the same ________ and motivations that people do. But this is kind of an area of science that people don't like to talk about. So I embarked on this project about four years ago to try to figure out what dogs think, and specifically what dogs think of us. If we're talking about humans, we have kind of two ways we can think about what other people are thinking: we can either ask them, and sometimes they will tell us if they know, and they want us to know what they are thinking; or we can observe actions, we can _______ behaviors, we can try to _____ things about what people are thinking from their actions. With animals, and dogs, of course, we can't really ask them. We can ask them, and we may think that they tell us, but we really don't know what they're thinking. So we're kind of left with their behaviors: we can observe their actions, and we can try to infer what they are thinking. This is the __________ of behaviorism, and it's been around since Pavlov. But there are, of course, very tricky issues here, and humans being humans, we tend to ________________ everything. It's kind of in this area that I became very interested in intrigued with the possibility of trying to ______ out what dogs are thinking by using MRI. The _________ is _______________. It's been around for decades. The idea is: if we were studying a human, we would put a human in an MRI, have them do some type of task, and we'd measure blood flow or _____ activity and then try to figure out what _____ of the brain do what. Very straightforward, if you've had an MRI, it's not terribly ________, but people will do it. How do we do this with other _______? How do we do it with a dog? I'm going to show you what we found. Here's a short video. It's a what we call our training video, and it demonstrates how we did this. Before I _____ it, you're going to see two dogs in this video. The first dog, Callie, is my dog. She was actually the replacement for Newton. She was adopted here in Atlanta from the Humane Society. We loved Newton so much; we could never get another pug, so Callie is the anti-pug. The other dog is ________, a border collie. We just kind of get right into it. I'll narrate as we go along. [______ - Introduction to head coil] This's Mark Spivak. He's my partner in this endeavor, he's a dog trainer. The first thing that we had to do is figure out how do we get dogs to go into a tube, to put a head coil around their head to pick up the brain waves, and hold absolutely still. What you are seeing here, is that Callie is not a particularly ________ dog; she has no particularly special skills. But she does have one very good trait, and that is: she _____ hot dogs. Mark is doing what we call clicker training. Every time she approximates what we want her to do, he clicks, and then she gets a hot dog. This's the very first time she's been introduced to the thing we call the head coil, and we didn't know at this point whether this was even going to be possible. [McKenzie - ____________ to head coil] This dog, McKenzie, a border ______, is highly trained. She's very _______ in _______, and her owner, as you'll see, gets her to sit in this coil very _______. (Video) Dog owner: Good girl! Yes! Is she too far out now? (Video) Gregory Berns: Yeah, basically, we are looking for the brain case to be in the center, right there. That's good. (On stage) GB: If you've had an MRI, you know that you're told not to move, right? This is the big challenge of doing this. [Mckenzie - Holding without any chin rest] Up until this point, I didn't know if this was going to be possible until I saw this. This was literally after about five minutes of training. When I saw that, I knew we could do this. [Callie - Training with chin rest] What you saw McKenzie doing was _____ but not quite good enough. What we are going after if we're to achieve data that ________ to humans - (Video) GB: You are perfect! Excellent! Perfect job! (On stage) GB: Mark told me I had to be more demonstrative than I am normally. (Laughter) (Video) GB: Perfect! Yes! (Laughter) (On stage) GB: What you ______ we did was we __________ a little chin rest because we have to give the dogs a ______ to put their head on. McKenzie ______ this very quickly. She's actually in a simulator for an MRI that we built. She's doing quite well, but this is actually still too much movement. The really difficult part of this is the _____ that the _______ makes, playing in the background. These are recordings that we made to acclimate the dogs to the ________. It's very loud. This's being played at low ______ just to get her used to it. But it's really about 95 decibels, and it's like jackhammer loud. (Video) GB: That's it, that what we are doing! (On stage) GB: This is after about a month or two of training. [Callie - Scammer training] We're at the real MRI now. This's probably the most _________ training session ever performed. (Laughter) We get charged about 500 dollars an hour to use the MRI. (________) But we had to use the real thing at a certain point. At this point, we didn't even know how they would react to the magnetic field. The key thing I want you to notice is these dogs are doing it _________, and they enjoy it. That is the whole point of this project. We treat these animals as ______ members. We don't sedate them, and we don't restrain them. [Callie - Final training] This's actually after about two ______ of training. We made some modifications to the chin rest, and even a shelter dog like Callie can do this. [Full chin rest, ear muffs, tube, hand signals] If you look carefully, you also notice that she's wearing ear muffs. It's very important because the scanner is so loud, and the dogs hearing is quite _________. [This means "hot dog"] The other thing that we did - (Laughter) This's a __________ experiment, really. (Laughter) [This _____ "no hot dog"] That's the training video. The "hot dog, no hot dog" hand signals, we _______ with this because we didn't know if this was going to work, so we _______ we needed to do something really simple. This's just straight up Pavlovian conditioning where we taught the dogs two hand signals: this means "hot dog," and this means "no hot dog." If this technique works, what we should see is activity in the reward system of their brain to this hand signal but not this signal. I also put up a slide here. Once we started doing this, the word got out amongst the community here in Atlanta that we're doing this _____ dog ________ project. We're looking for volunteers, especially people who like to train dogs and have dogs that are very well behaved. That's still true. If you have a dog that can do this or you think can do this, talk to me. Because the _______ is still going on, and it's gotten quite _____. You've seen the kind of preliminary _____. This's one of my favorite photos because it's kind of captures - this is the first day we were actually doing the scanning. It captures the human confusion here. We were just standing around trying to figure out how we are going to do this. But Callie knows, she's been trained, she's been doing this for two months; so she's ready to go. The head wrap is just to keep the ear muffs in place. This is what it look likes from the other end, from the business end of the scanner. This's actually a dog _____ Zen. He's a yellow lab golden _________. What we're studying initially is just the reward system response. Very simply, we got these two hand signals, and the idea is we compare the brain response to these two things. As I said, we have many dogs doing this now, it's not just shelter dogs. We have dogs from service dog organizations, we have shelter dogs - really all _____ of ______. Before I show you some of the results, I do want to say something about brain anatomy. A dog brain - this slide is not to scale. A dog brain is probably about the size of a plum or a _____ maybe, depending on the size of the dog. It's not big, even if you have a big dog, most of the head is muscle, so just going to be aware of that. But I like putting up this slide because it _____ the similarities of animal brains. You can immediately make out common structures. You can see towards the right that kind of pretty structure is the cerebellum that controls various _____ of _____ movement, and then below that, there is the brainstem. The really the parts of the brain that are different are what we call the cortex. That's the upper part, the folded part. The big differences between dog and human have to do with the size of the cortex and how ______ it is. What folding ____________ is _______ a lot more brain surface area into a specific volume. Generally speaking, the more folded a brain, the more surface area, the more brain power, if you will. There are lot of ____________, and there are some ___________. What I am particularly interested in are the similarities. Because if we were to have a ___________ of experience with dogs, and other animals for that matter, we have to share the same or similar brain structures. ______ said this 150 years ago. What do the results look like? This's a very _______ way of ___________ an experiment which I showed you where the dogs _______ two different hand signals, and we've averaged the results over, in this case, 12 dogs, I think though, we've done this probably in over 20 dogs. The orange areas show what parts of the brain are more active to this reward signal, this hot dog signal. What I want to emphasize is the brain response is not directly to hot dogs, it's to the hand ______ that means hot dogs. You may think that's not a big deal; it's still hot dogs. It's no surprise that dogs like hot dogs. But it is a big deal because we train this signal; it's a symbolic representation of a hot dog that the dog has learned and has learned to recognize this meaning. The particular parts of the brain that are being active are the reward system. There's kind of two hot _____. There's a _________ type picture. That's in an area of the brain called the cortex nucleus. It's the area of the brain that all _______ have, and it's the area that has the most dopamine receptors in the brain. It's kind of the key center that _____ reward and motivation with action. Normally, when that's active in a _____ or any other animal, it means that something _________ has happened, and the animal needs to do something. In this case it's quite ______ because they will just eat the hot dogs. Well, so what? So we ______ that dog brains like hot dogs. That was just the beginning. This started about four years ago, and we've since gone on and done many other experiments. Most of the dogs in these pictures, are still _______ with us in the project. We've done things looking at how their olfaction, or their sensory system for smell _____, how they identify different people, and other dogs in their household by _____. One of the things that we found is that this reward system, the same part of the brain activates when the dogs smell a familiar human, even if the human is not there. It shows that dogs have _______________ of us of our identities that persist when we are not there. When people ask me, "Do dogs miss us when we are gone?" I have to say yes because we find evidence that they are ___________ their humans, that they care about them, and that it's associated with these ______ _________. Is it still just hot dogs? To ______ this question, one of the other things that we did was we actually repeated the __________ I showed you, where we show the different hand signals. With one little twist: we manipulate who gives the _______. Does it matter if the dog's owner gives a signal? Or whether a stranger comes in and gives the signal? Or even whether a computer gives the signal? Because if you believe Pavlov, and all the behaviorist who followed him, it really shouldn't matter, because any signal that indicates an upcoming food _____ is all the same, if animals and dogs are just kind of ______. But in fact, we did find a difference. What's very interesting about it is that not all dogs are the same. For example, my dog Callie had a much _______ response in that part of the brain when a stranger gave the signals or even a computer as _______ to me! (Laughter) Other dogs in the project, some of the golden retrievers in the labs can have had the opposite pattern, where their owners had really ________ the _________ brain ________. This is very interesting because what it does is it provides us with a neural _________ of the dog's personality _______. In fact, what we've done is we've spun off a new project which we're very excited about. We've _________ with Canine __________ for Independence, which is the largest service dog training ____________ in the ______ States. If you know anything about service dogs, they're __________ difficult to train. It's very expensive, and there's a very low _______ rate. Roughly about 35% of dogs that enter these programs to train to be assistance dogs will succeed; the other 2/3 end up being released and _______ to their puppy raisers. So we've partnered with CCI, and they're actually training their dogs to do the MRI procedure. What we're going to do is try to predict which of those dogs will actually be good service dogs. I really love this project because it shows that even though we started this just as my silly example of trying to understand what my dogs think, and whether they love me, it's actually gotten much bigger. Dogs are special. They're the first domesticated animals. They have been with humans since humans have been humans. When we look at their ______, it's almost like we are looking back in time, and it's ______ us a picture of how the dog-human bond formed. Thank you. (Applause)


  1. summarizing
  2. adopted
  3. biomarker
  4. brain
  5. straightforward
  6. quickly
  7. works
  8. agility
  9. responses
  10. obedient
  11. signal
  12. family
  13. great
  14. reward
  15. close
  16. proved
  17. headlight
  18. project
  19. technique
  20. elicited
  21. working
  22. introduced
  23. decided
  24. large
  25. volume
  26. compares
  27. spots
  28. remembering
  29. folded
  30. response
  31. strongest
  32. adapts
  33. scientific
  34. accomplishes
  35. collie
  36. thought
  37. expensive
  38. lemon
  39. animals
  40. scanning
  41. darwin
  42. tools
  43. answer
  44. success
  45. figure
  46. newton
  47. incredibly
  48. foundation
  49. video
  50. sorts
  51. smell
  52. experiment
  53. means
  54. parts
  55. partnered
  56. callie
  57. shows
  58. representations
  59. skilled
  60. giving
  61. robots
  62. scanner
  63. profile
  64. links
  65. infer
  66. human
  67. organization
  68. retriever
  69. laughter
  70. feelings
  71. simple
  72. anthropomorphize
  73. opposed
  74. pleasant
  75. training
  76. treat
  77. passed
  78. important
  79. commonality
  80. differences
  81. start
  82. companions
  83. months
  84. compact
  85. noise
  86. sensitive
  87. named
  88. similarities
  89. breeds
  90. types
  91. notice
  92. signals
  93. receive
  94. mckenzie
  95. packing
  96. crazy
  97. started
  98. observe
  99. brains
  100. united
  101. mammals
  102. target
  103. motor
  104. greater
  105. introduction
  107. willingly

Original Text

How many of you are dog people? A show of hands. Excellent! How about cat people? OK, you guys can go to the break early. (Laughter) So, of the dog people and the cat people who want to be dog people, (Laughter) how many of you have thought, "Wouldn't it be great to know what my dog is thinking?" I think everyone else already knows what their dog is thinking, right? I got into this project, and I'm going to tell you a little bit about how - This is basically a stupid dog trick story. It really started with this dog named Newton, who was really my favorite dog. I've had many dogs through my life, but Newton was my favorite, and he lived to be about 15 years old. After he passed away, I thought, I have these tools, this MRI machine, that I have been using for decades to study human decision making and what motivates people, why haven't we used this on other animals? Certainly, other animals have many of the same feelings and motivations that people do. But this is kind of an area of science that people don't like to talk about. So I embarked on this project about four years ago to try to figure out what dogs think, and specifically what dogs think of us. If we're talking about humans, we have kind of two ways we can think about what other people are thinking: we can either ask them, and sometimes they will tell us if they know, and they want us to know what they are thinking; or we can observe actions, we can observe behaviors, we can try to infer things about what people are thinking from their actions. With animals, and dogs, of course, we can't really ask them. We can ask them, and we may think that they tell us, but we really don't know what they're thinking. So we're kind of left with their behaviors: we can observe their actions, and we can try to infer what they are thinking. This is the foundation of behaviorism, and it's been around since Pavlov. But there are, of course, very tricky issues here, and humans being humans, we tend to anthropomorphize everything. It's kind of in this area that I became very interested in intrigued with the possibility of trying to figure out what dogs are thinking by using MRI. The technique is straightforward. It's been around for decades. The idea is: if we were studying a human, we would put a human in an MRI, have them do some type of task, and we'd measure blood flow or brain activity and then try to figure out what parts of the brain do what. Very straightforward, if you've had an MRI, it's not terribly pleasant, but people will do it. How do we do this with other animals? How do we do it with a dog? I'm going to show you what we found. Here's a short video. It's a what we call our training video, and it demonstrates how we did this. Before I start it, you're going to see two dogs in this video. The first dog, Callie, is my dog. She was actually the replacement for Newton. She was adopted here in Atlanta from the Humane Society. We loved Newton so much; we could never get another pug, so Callie is the anti-pug. The other dog is McKenzie, a border collie. We just kind of get right into it. I'll narrate as we go along. [Callie - Introduction to head coil] This's Mark Spivak. He's my partner in this endeavor, he's a dog trainer. The first thing that we had to do is figure out how do we get dogs to go into a tube, to put a head coil around their head to pick up the brain waves, and hold absolutely still. What you are seeing here, is that Callie is not a particularly obedient dog; she has no particularly special skills. But she does have one very good trait, and that is: she likes hot dogs. Mark is doing what we call clicker training. Every time she approximates what we want her to do, he clicks, and then she gets a hot dog. This's the very first time she's been introduced to the thing we call the head coil, and we didn't know at this point whether this was even going to be possible. [McKenzie - Introduction to head coil] This dog, McKenzie, a border collie, is highly trained. She's very skilled in agility, and her owner, as you'll see, gets her to sit in this coil very quickly. (Video) Dog owner: Good girl! Yes! Is she too far out now? (Video) Gregory Berns: Yeah, basically, we are looking for the brain case to be in the center, right there. That's good. (On stage) GB: If you've had an MRI, you know that you're told not to move, right? This is the big challenge of doing this. [Mckenzie - Holding without any chin rest] Up until this point, I didn't know if this was going to be possible until I saw this. This was literally after about five minutes of training. When I saw that, I knew we could do this. [Callie - Training with chin rest] What you saw McKenzie doing was close but not quite good enough. What we are going after if we're to achieve data that compares to humans - (Video) GB: You are perfect! Excellent! Perfect job! (On stage) GB: Mark told me I had to be more demonstrative than I am normally. (Laughter) (Video) GB: Perfect! Yes! (Laughter) (On stage) GB: What you notice we did was we introduced a little chin rest because we have to give the dogs a target to put their head on. McKenzie adapts this very quickly. She's actually in a simulator for an MRI that we built. She's doing quite well, but this is actually still too much movement. The really difficult part of this is the noise that the scanner makes, playing in the background. These are recordings that we made to acclimate the dogs to the training. It's very loud. This's being played at low volume just to get her used to it. But it's really about 95 decibels, and it's like jackhammer loud. (Video) GB: That's it, that what we are doing! (On stage) GB: This is after about a month or two of training. [Callie - Scammer training] We're at the real MRI now. This's probably the most expensive training session ever performed. (Laughter) We get charged about 500 dollars an hour to use the MRI. (Laughter) But we had to use the real thing at a certain point. At this point, we didn't even know how they would react to the magnetic field. The key thing I want you to notice is these dogs are doing it willingly, and they enjoy it. That is the whole point of this project. We treat these animals as family members. We don't sedate them, and we don't restrain them. [Callie - Final training] This's actually after about two months of training. We made some modifications to the chin rest, and even a shelter dog like Callie can do this. [Full chin rest, ear muffs, tube, hand signals] If you look carefully, you also notice that she's wearing ear muffs. It's very important because the scanner is so loud, and the dogs hearing is quite sensitive. [This means "hot dog"] The other thing that we did - (Laughter) This's a scientific experiment, really. (Laughter) [This means "no hot dog"] That's the training video. The "hot dog, no hot dog" hand signals, we started with this because we didn't know if this was going to work, so we decided we needed to do something really simple. This's just straight up Pavlovian conditioning where we taught the dogs two hand signals: this means "hot dog," and this means "no hot dog." If this technique works, what we should see is activity in the reward system of their brain to this hand signal but not this signal. I also put up a slide here. Once we started doing this, the word got out amongst the community here in Atlanta that we're doing this crazy dog scanning project. We're looking for volunteers, especially people who like to train dogs and have dogs that are very well behaved. That's still true. If you have a dog that can do this or you think can do this, talk to me. Because the project is still going on, and it's gotten quite large. You've seen the kind of preliminary video. This's one of my favorite photos because it's kind of captures - this is the first day we were actually doing the scanning. It captures the human confusion here. We were just standing around trying to figure out how we are going to do this. But Callie knows, she's been trained, she's been doing this for two months; so she's ready to go. The head wrap is just to keep the ear muffs in place. This is what it look likes from the other end, from the business end of the scanner. This's actually a dog named Zen. He's a yellow lab golden retriever. What we're studying initially is just the reward system response. Very simply, we got these two hand signals, and the idea is we compare the brain response to these two things. As I said, we have many dogs doing this now, it's not just shelter dogs. We have dogs from service dog organizations, we have shelter dogs - really all sorts of breeds. Before I show you some of the results, I do want to say something about brain anatomy. A dog brain - this slide is not to scale. A dog brain is probably about the size of a plum or a lemon maybe, depending on the size of the dog. It's not big, even if you have a big dog, most of the head is muscle, so just going to be aware of that. But I like putting up this slide because it shows the similarities of animal brains. You can immediately make out common structures. You can see towards the right that kind of pretty structure is the cerebellum that controls various types of motor movement, and then below that, there is the brainstem. The really the parts of the brain that are different are what we call the cortex. That's the upper part, the folded part. The big differences between dog and human have to do with the size of the cortex and how folded it is. What folding accomplishes is packing a lot more brain surface area into a specific volume. Generally speaking, the more folded a brain, the more surface area, the more brain power, if you will. There are lot of similarities, and there are some differences. What I am particularly interested in are the similarities. Because if we were to have a commonality of experience with dogs, and other animals for that matter, we have to share the same or similar brain structures. Darwin said this 150 years ago. What do the results look like? This's a very compact way of summarizing an experiment which I showed you where the dogs receive two different hand signals, and we've averaged the results over, in this case, 12 dogs, I think though, we've done this probably in over 20 dogs. The orange areas show what parts of the brain are more active to this reward signal, this hot dog signal. What I want to emphasize is the brain response is not directly to hot dogs, it's to the hand signal that means hot dogs. You may think that's not a big deal; it's still hot dogs. It's no surprise that dogs like hot dogs. But it is a big deal because we train this signal; it's a symbolic representation of a hot dog that the dog has learned and has learned to recognize this meaning. The particular parts of the brain that are being active are the reward system. There's kind of two hot spots. There's a headlight type picture. That's in an area of the brain called the cortex nucleus. It's the area of the brain that all mammals have, and it's the area that has the most dopamine receptors in the brain. It's kind of the key center that links reward and motivation with action. Normally, when that's active in a human or any other animal, it means that something important has happened, and the animal needs to do something. In this case it's quite simple because they will just eat the hot dogs. Well, so what? So we proved that dog brains like hot dogs. That was just the beginning. This started about four years ago, and we've since gone on and done many other experiments. Most of the dogs in these pictures, are still working with us in the project. We've done things looking at how their olfaction, or their sensory system for smell works, how they identify different people, and other dogs in their household by smell. One of the things that we found is that this reward system, the same part of the brain activates when the dogs smell a familiar human, even if the human is not there. It shows that dogs have representations of us of our identities that persist when we are not there. When people ask me, "Do dogs miss us when we are gone?" I have to say yes because we find evidence that they are remembering their humans, that they care about them, and that it's associated with these reward responses. Is it still just hot dogs? To answer this question, one of the other things that we did was we actually repeated the experiment I showed you, where we show the different hand signals. With one little twist: we manipulate who gives the signals. Does it matter if the dog's owner gives a signal? Or whether a stranger comes in and gives the signal? Or even whether a computer gives the signal? Because if you believe Pavlov, and all the behaviorist who followed him, it really shouldn't matter, because any signal that indicates an upcoming food treat is all the same, if animals and dogs are just kind of robots. But in fact, we did find a difference. What's very interesting about it is that not all dogs are the same. For example, my dog Callie had a much greater response in that part of the brain when a stranger gave the signals or even a computer as opposed to me! (Laughter) Other dogs in the project, some of the golden retrievers in the labs can have had the opposite pattern, where their owners had really elicited the strongest brain response. This is very interesting because what it does is it provides us with a neural biomarker of the dog's personality profile. In fact, what we've done is we've spun off a new project which we're very excited about. We've partnered with Canine Companions for Independence, which is the largest service dog training organization in the United States. If you know anything about service dogs, they're incredibly difficult to train. It's very expensive, and there's a very low success rate. Roughly about 35% of dogs that enter these programs to train to be assistance dogs will succeed; the other 2/3 end up being released and adopted to their puppy raisers. So we've partnered with CCI, and they're actually training their dogs to do the MRI procedure. What we're going to do is try to predict which of those dogs will actually be good service dogs. I really love this project because it shows that even though we started this just as my silly example of trying to understand what my dogs think, and whether they love me, it's actually gotten much bigger. Dogs are special. They're the first domesticated animals. They have been with humans since humans have been humans. When we look at their brains, it's almost like we are looking back in time, and it's giving us a picture of how the dog-human bond formed. Thank you. (Applause)

Frequently Occurring Word Combinations

ngrams of length 2

collocation frequency
hot dogs 6
hot dog 3
reward system 3
brain response 3
dog named 2
ear muffs 2
hand signal 2
shelter dogs 2
service dog 2
dog brain 2

Important Words

  1. absolutely
  2. acclimate
  3. accomplishes
  4. achieve
  5. action
  6. actions
  7. activates
  8. active
  9. activity
  10. adapts
  11. adopted
  12. agility
  13. anatomy
  14. animal
  15. animals
  16. answer
  17. anthropomorphize
  18. applause
  19. approximates
  20. area
  21. areas
  22. assistance
  23. atlanta
  24. averaged
  25. aware
  26. background
  27. basically
  28. beginning
  29. behaved
  30. behaviorism
  31. behaviorist
  32. behaviors
  33. big
  34. bigger
  35. biomarker
  36. bit
  37. blood
  38. bond
  39. border
  40. brain
  41. brains
  42. brainstem
  43. break
  44. breeds
  45. built
  46. business
  47. call
  48. called
  49. callie
  50. canine
  51. captures
  52. care
  53. carefully
  54. case
  55. cat
  56. cci
  57. center
  58. cerebellum
  59. challenge
  60. charged
  61. chin
  62. clicker
  63. clicks
  64. close
  65. coil
  66. collie
  67. common
  68. commonality
  69. community
  70. compact
  71. companions
  72. compare
  73. compares
  74. computer
  75. conditioning
  76. confusion
  77. controls
  78. cortex
  79. crazy
  80. darwin
  81. data
  82. day
  83. deal
  84. decades
  85. decibels
  86. decided
  87. decision
  88. demonstrates
  89. demonstrative
  90. depending
  91. difference
  92. differences
  93. difficult
  94. dog
  95. dogs
  96. dollars
  97. domesticated
  98. dopamine
  99. ear
  100. early
  101. eat
  102. elicited
  103. embarked
  104. emphasize
  105. endeavor
  106. enjoy
  107. enter
  108. evidence
  109. excited
  110. expensive
  111. experience
  112. experiment
  113. experiments
  114. fact
  115. familiar
  116. family
  117. favorite
  118. feelings
  119. field
  120. figure
  121. final
  122. find
  123. flow
  124. folded
  125. folding
  126. food
  127. formed
  128. foundation
  129. full
  130. gave
  131. generally
  132. give
  133. giving
  134. golden
  135. good
  136. great
  137. greater
  138. gregory
  139. guys
  140. hand
  141. hands
  142. happened
  143. head
  144. headlight
  145. hearing
  146. highly
  147. hold
  148. holding
  149. hot
  150. hour
  151. household
  152. human
  153. humane
  154. humans
  155. idea
  156. identify
  157. identities
  158. immediately
  159. important
  160. incredibly
  161. independence
  162. infer
  163. initially
  164. interested
  165. interesting
  166. intrigued
  167. introduced
  168. introduction
  169. issues
  170. jackhammer
  171. key
  172. kind
  173. knew
  174. lab
  175. labs
  176. large
  177. largest
  178. laughter
  179. learned
  180. left
  181. lemon
  182. life
  184. links
  185. literally
  186. lived
  187. lot
  188. loud
  189. love
  190. loved
  191. machine
  192. magnetic
  193. making
  194. mammals
  195. manipulate
  196. mark
  197. matter
  198. mckenzie
  199. meaning
  200. means
  201. measure
  202. members
  203. minutes
  204. modifications
  205. month
  206. months
  207. motivates
  208. motivation
  209. motivations
  210. motor
  211. move
  212. movement
  213. mri
  214. muffs
  215. muscle
  216. named
  217. narrate
  218. needed
  219. neural
  220. newton
  221. noise
  222. notice
  223. nucleus
  224. obedient
  225. observe
  226. olfaction
  227. opposed
  228. orange
  229. organization
  230. organizations
  231. owner
  232. owners
  233. packing
  234. part
  235. partner
  236. partnered
  237. parts
  238. passed
  239. pattern
  240. pavlov
  241. pavlovian
  242. people
  243. perfect
  244. performed
  245. persist
  246. personality
  247. photos
  248. pick
  249. picture
  250. pictures
  251. place
  252. played
  253. playing
  254. pleasant
  255. plum
  256. point
  257. possibility
  258. power
  259. predict
  260. preliminary
  261. pretty
  262. procedure
  263. profile
  264. programs
  265. project
  266. proved
  267. pug
  268. puppy
  269. put
  270. putting
  271. question
  272. quickly
  273. raisers
  274. rate
  275. react
  276. ready
  277. real
  278. receive
  279. receptors
  280. recognize
  281. recordings
  282. released
  283. remembering
  284. repeated
  285. replacement
  286. representation
  287. representations
  288. response
  289. responses
  290. rest
  291. restrain
  292. results
  293. retriever
  294. retrievers
  295. reward
  296. robots
  297. roughly
  298. scale
  299. scammer
  300. scanner
  301. scanning
  302. science
  303. scientific
  304. sedate
  305. sensitive
  306. sensory
  307. service
  308. session
  309. share
  310. shelter
  311. short
  312. show
  313. showed
  314. shows
  315. signal
  316. signals
  317. silly
  318. similar
  319. similarities
  320. simple
  321. simply
  322. simulator
  323. sit
  324. size
  325. skilled
  326. skills
  327. slide
  328. smell
  329. society
  330. sorts
  331. speaking
  332. special
  333. specific
  334. specifically
  335. spivak
  336. spots
  337. spun
  338. stage
  339. standing
  340. start
  341. started
  342. states
  343. story
  344. straight
  345. straightforward
  346. stranger
  347. strongest
  348. structure
  349. structures
  350. study
  351. studying
  352. stupid
  353. success
  354. summarizing
  355. surface
  356. surprise
  357. symbolic
  358. system
  359. talk
  360. talking
  361. target
  362. task
  363. taught
  364. technique
  365. tend
  366. terribly
  367. thinking
  368. thought
  369. time
  370. told
  371. tools
  372. train
  373. trained
  374. trainer
  375. training
  376. trait
  377. treat
  378. trick
  379. tricky
  380. true
  381. tube
  382. type
  383. types
  384. understand
  385. united
  386. upcoming
  387. upper
  388. video
  389. volume
  390. volunteers
  391. waves
  392. ways
  393. wearing
  394. willingly
  395. word
  396. work
  397. working
  398. works
  399. wrap
  400. yeah
  401. years
  402. yellow
  403. zen